Our Story| How It Began

“Dingolay! ”
“All Skin Teeth eh laugh! ”
“Dog doh make cyat! ”
“Eh heh? ”
“Is So? ”

Though our English is very good, is so we Trinbago people love we colloquialism. And is so we colloquialism have lessons in it too, tried and true. Our story is simple and pure. With a fusion of our love for culture and a  passion  for immersive education, we came up with our blend of callaloo.  A perfect puree with the right amount of fresh seasoning and the innate ability to know just how much salt is enough, EngagEd Publications is plated and ready to be served.

Our Story |What We Believe

At the core of our beliefs, is engaging educational experiences. We believe that education, as a discipline, should be engaging and transformative. One core component of this discipline is teaching, which should captivate learners, gain their attention, inspire them and keep them yearning for more educational experiences. Most of all, it should empower them to go forth and be a productive and socially responsible member of their community, contributing to society with compassion, respect and the genuine desire to see others blossom according to their singular capabilities.

The Lagniappe, our culture, the cherry on the top! With a sprinkle of our Trinbago history, we mixed our educational resources with who we are as a people. If our educational resources are a delectable callaloo, then our region’s history, morals and values; indeed who we are as a people; is the coconut milk that turns our simple meal into a magical fusion! So, no more references to snowflakes and winter in our two-season paradise. We ‘bringin’ it real. As the tanties them like to plant in we head, we ain’t forgetting who we are. As a matter of fact, our culture helps us to contribute meaningfully beyond our borders, and contribute to the regional and international arena, which is the ultimate scope of our contributions here at EngagEd Publicatons.

Our Story | Where Are We Going?

As such, it is a stellar ability, when persons can remember their upbringing and circumstances, and tweak and improve on what was not so good. Such experiences help fashion them into productive, honest members of their communities, capable of changing a society one person at a time. Thus, meaningfully contributing in their style, to the wider regional and international landscape. Thus, we warmly invite you to join us on this exciting journey, as we strive to keep you EngagEd!